
Dear Visitor, Welcome to StyleShark!

StyleShark presents itself as a platform where men can learn about almost every aspect of their personality, for instance- clothing, style, personality, grooming, and professional attitude. StyleShark works in the interest of men by presenting valuable information in easy-to-absorb format so that any style enthusiast who visits the pages of this blog website with the intention of updating their knowledge should not only feel thrilled and enriched by the content but also inspired to frequently visit the website.

StyleShark emphasizes how a well-dressed and well-groomed man can showcase his excellence to outsmart others in a professional context.

StyleShark also aims to program men on etiquette, right way of dressing and bearing to appear sophisticated and debonair in all settings, especially from women’s perspective.

StyleShark goes beyond the small boundaries of fashion and clothing to bring all physical and virtual components of a man together and prepare him to control his image in the real world.

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About Mohammad Raahim

Assalam Aleikum

I am Mohammad Raahim an Electronics and Communication engineer by profession. Being successful in the former career I have always been motivated to do something which really defines me and represents my natural finesse as a man. Through my observation of the world around me I see many men making style blunders, manner mistakes (Even I did in past) and professional errors but never seeking any advice which could remodel their personality.

I believe chief reason for this ignorance is blind fashion following, lack of knowledge about interrelationship between personality, grooming and clothing. I truly feel that a man’s viewpoint is the key to his overall success. Having insight of, how all these factors collaborate; can do wonders in any man’s life.

I truly feel that as a human being how we dress and groom ourselves throws a striking effect on our personal and business relations. Gentlemen, if you wish to have the world at your command – be a clean-cut well-dressed man with a fine layer of urbane demeanour.

I wish you luck for your professional, personal and social life!

Mohammad Raahim Beig