Male Hair Care Routine | Natural Ways to Healthy Hair

hair care tips

Hair is an important aspect of a man’s personality. Proper hair care should be on top pripority. Hair cover the most of a man’s body. Mainly four areas have different hair types

  • Head hair
  • Facial hair
  • Groin hair
  • Hair on rest of the parts

Hair on the head are cut or trimmed whereas facial hair- beard and moustache need shaving or trimming. Both hair serve to enhance men’s looks and appearance. Cutting, shaving, trimming or cleaning are different ways of male hair care regime .

Groin hair need to be shaved or removed regularly for hygiene purpose. Rest of the body hair pose no problem for men and function to remove impurities, maintain temperature etc.

Scalp hair, facial hair and other hair serve one common purpose to protect the skin from weather, dust, dirt, heat and injuries as well. Head hair protect your skull while enhancing attractiveness and balancing proportion for an overall impression.

Male Hair That Sexually Attract Women

Besides all facts most part of male hair is a cause of female attraction. Facial hair make men more seductive than head hair. A trimmed beard or stubble is enough to turn women on. Many studies prove that some women find men with facial hair more masculine than clean shaven.

Second on the list is hair on the forearms. Some women cannot resist forearm hair and will be smitten by it. Men’s chest hair too evoke strong desire in some women that they would be attracted to a man.

But for women, all that fatal charm depends upon how well-groomed a man is. How immaculate his hair is, no matter where on the body. Nevertheless, any defect can turn them off too!

How to Maintain Clean Hair

Keep Hair Clean

Cleanliness is the top priority as a part of hair care programme besides cutting and dressing. Men! Wash your hair thoroughly whenever you take a bath. Wash your face minimum three to four times a day, not always with soap or moisturizer. Sometimes few splashes of cool clean water on face will be enough to wash dust particles or blemishes.

Bathing and Towelling

Bathe slowly and completely. If your hair is messy and dirty, shampoo it and condition afterwards. Message the scalp as you go and be gentle when rinsing the it. Rough fingers can break more hair. Never wrestle with your hair while drying, towel it by pressing on different spots. Don’t pull hair vigorously while toweling.

  • Wash hair after a sweaty work or exercise. Maintain gap to cool your body.



It is a liquid solution to wash hair. A quality shampoo will make your hair soft, and breezy and strengthen it. Shampoo hair once in every 3-4 days or twice in a week. Daily shampooing will damage and dry hair. Excess application of chemical also causes hair thinning and weakens the roots. Most shampoo contain harmful chemicals, if you are using it frequently you may face hair fall and dry scalp. Use herbal remedies for best hair care.


Comb hair when it is clean, washed and untangled. Combing tangled mass of hair is a sin; it inflicts maximum damage to hair.

Combing Tips

  • Wash frizzy/ sticky/ dirty hair before combing. In this case hair need a cleaning first and then moisturizing.
  • Partition hair and then comb hair to your style.
  • Never comb too much once hair is set.
  • Clean the comb every day with a brush to remove stuck dirt/hair/oil.
  • Some men use jammed comb. Remember both comb and hair must be clean for a smooth operation.

Drying Hair

Using blow dry machines or any other type of equipment can cause more damage than benefits. Hot air dries scalps immediately causing sudden temperature variations in  skin. Few outcomes of this may be- split end, thinning of hair, and excessive falling of fair. Therefore it is recommended to dap towel few times to soak excess water and let the hair dry naturally.

Timely Haircut

Regular hair cut is must. Whether long or short your hair should have an even shape and cut proportional to your head size and face shape. No more, no less. Having lumps and irregular length will make hair look unsystematic and tarnish your image. In summer maintain medium or short haircut.

Natural Ways to Nourish Hair

Eat protein, zin and iron

Hair are almost protein, they need medium to high protein nourishment. Eat fish, eggs [boiled or raw] and meat to supply nonstop dose of protein to your hair. Many young boys develop grey hair and suffer hair loss. Protein and essential mineral deficiency is one of the reasons for that.

Eat Fruits & Nuts

Eat plenty of fruits, dairy products and green leafy vegetables.

Lentils and soya are also abundant in protein.

Consume fish, it is rich in zinc. Our mental health plus hair growth requires zinc and omega-3 acids. Both these elements support robust hair.

Use more dried fruits/nuts. They are rich in minerals, especially almonds and peanuts are good for luxuriant hair.

Increase intake of iron. Balanced iron in blood means adequate oxygen to the scalps. More alive hair will be.

Message Scalp

An oily message to the scalp and hair boosts blood flow through the scalp where the root of the hair is. A slow and steady message to hair, 2-3 hours of shower can be a trick to strengthen hair, control hair fall, increase hair growth.

Use olive oil or any light non-sticky oil that gets absorbed easily by the scalp and improves hair. Oil also makes message smooth and effective. Use gentle fingers to work your way through hair. This way more blood flows through veins supplying more life to hair.

Apply coconut oil in summer and mild weather to nourish hair. Coconut oil freezes in winter and can clog the scalp pores. Message the scalp and keep the oil for few hours then rinse. Your hair will be silky and shiny.

Aloe Vera

Aloe is a perfect compound for hair conditioning. Aloe Vera is rich in anti-oxidants and vitamins. Applications of Aloe Vera gel on scalp enriches the roots, purifies the scalp, adds moisture to hair and softens hair.

Dandruff  Treatment

Dandruff can play mayhem in hair and disrupt your life. Dandruff causes itching, hair loss, acne; in some cases depression. Dandruff is the flaking of dry scalp skin. It may occur due to a fungal infection, much oil and dirt accumulation or most importantly lack of nutrition to hair.

Dandruff spoils impression, breaks confidence and makes you socially hesitant. See, how a small but significant problem can create chaos in your routine.

Regular washing, shampooing, treating hair with herbal products and rich diet in protein, iron and zinc can kill dandruff -promote strong and shiny hair.

Free Tips

Wear a Cap

A quick and easy hack is to wear a cap when you are out to save hair from dust and UV rays. A cap also shades face and prevents overheating.

Exposure to Sun

Excess exposure to harmful UV rays also destroys hair, saps moisture, and strips hair of nutrition.

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