Wash a Dress Shirt Clean | Tips For Washing A Shirt

how to wash a dress shirt

A clean ironed shirt looks systematic and elegant; it also inspires respect and praise in others. But if you want to keep the quality shirt intact for a long time you need to wash it the right way.

Washing a shirt takes only a few minutes if you know these simple and wise steps.
First up gentlemen remember that you are going to wash a dirty shirt that will have its collar, cuffs, inside of yoke (part of shirt where both front and rear parts join ) and armpits stained and smelling bad. These are the core spots where the shirt needs extra attention while washing.

How to Wash a Shirt Crystal Clean

Preparing a Shirt For Wash

Caution– Take out contents from shirt pocket. Bills/notes.

    Take small amount of liquid or granule detergent and prepare the water. Liquid agent is also a good option since it is less harsh on fabric. Soak the shirt in water for about fifteen to twenty minutes. Cotton or linen will take less time to soak completely. Other thicker fabrics like denim or corduroy may take thirty minutes to absorb water fully.

    If the collar or cuffs have sticky dirt then you might need scrubbing. You can do it two ways; either by rubbing the collar surface with itself or scrubbing gently with a soft brush. Follow the same steps for the cuffs. Only use mild force in the cuffs else you could break the buttons.

    Yoke of the shirt and back also collect dirt and absorb sweat since they are tightly in contact with your skin, clean such areas thoroughly. You may need additional amount for an effective wash.

    Next, once the cleaning is over it is time to rinse. Rinse the shirt two or better three times to remove detergent completely.

    Removing Stains

    Once you have removed dirt, now it’s time for removing stains.

    As a living thing you can’t stop staining clothes but can avoid as much as possible and remove the stain with correct information and right agent. It requires knowledge of the fabric as well as staining cause and hands on experience else the dry-cleaner is waiting for you.

    Usual stains come from Tea, Coffee, Oil, Ketchup, Juice, Grease, Ink etc.

    • The best remedy of stains is to treat as soon as possible. Having said that I am considering human mind. We men don’t react to stains instantly and delay the operation.
    • Never rub the stained area vigorously, you may spread the stain.
    • Dry stained spot as much as you can with an absorbent material either cotton or paper tissue so that you have to deal with smallest amount of staining stuff.
    • NO method is perfect but if used systematically, can remove stains almost completely.

     Key Advice

    • Always use dilute form of all stain-removal agents. Many products come labelled with percent solution. If not, mix proportional amount of water.
    • If you accidently pour excess amount of agent over a single spot. Rinse the area with clean water.
    • Some disobedient stains require up to three applications of different agents, hence be patient, you are dealing with delicate fibers not iron rods. You might damage or hole the fabric by aggressive cleaning operation.

    Persistent stains need mild and steady operation.

    • If the stain is at a less exposed area of shirt or trousers, i.e. lower or hidden part of shirt which you tuck inside the pants then wait for few washes.
    • If the stain merges with the garment colour like tomato ketchup on dark brown or maroon shirt or trousers; ink stain on navy shirt or trouser. Treat it only to make invisible. Rest will be gone or forgotten in time.


    It’s a tiny but very effective step in getting rid of challenging stains. Pretreating cloths means adding the remover agent into the stain or dropping few drops of liquid agent over the spot and leave it for few minutes or longer to weaken the stain bonding. Next you can wash the article


    Acidic nature of lemon juice can bleach the cloth and remove stain. You can pretreat the stain with some drops of lemon juice and after few minutes wash normally as you would do.

    Soaking clothes in water with added lemon juice about 50 ml can help you clean garments quickly and effectively. Lemon juice can also refresh clothes and impart sparkling finish. Avoid excess amount of lemon juice at one spot. Always dilute all the agents (natural or chemical)

    White Vinegar

    White vinegar is a fabric friendly safe agent for stain removing, especially to force out yellow sweat stains, ketchup or juice stains. It acts fast and retains the fabric quality.

    Drop some white vinegar onto the stain & allow it fifteen minutes. Rub mildly then wash the spot as usual. It is totally practical so if required repeat soak the garment for a longer period and wash with detergent.

    Smear blot mark sport stain blur and remove smudge. Erase work it out eliminate

    How to Dry a Shirt

    Once rinse is over, squeeze the shirt gently to drain excess water. Never wring the cloth, by twisting you create unnecessary force on fibers and cause them to weaken.
    Now the shirt is ready to dry. Dry the shirt on a hanger, it creates least wrinkles and looks systematic.

    • Dry the shirt indoors in the summer, clothes don’t need scorching heat to dry.
    • If you dry shirt or any other article in the sun, turn it inside out. This will protect the colour and save it from fading if unintentionally left for drying longer than usual.
    • Don’t dry clothes in the sun for to long.
    • Always iron the shirt and fold systematically before storing.

    How to Avoid Getting Clothes Stained

    Dealing with stains makes you a good man but one who can potentially avoid this situation is a real gentleman.

    Staining may cost you a shirt or trousers or a suit jacket and you don’t want this. Therefore a wise man would do this.

    At Home

    Wear shabby pair of clothes while working with paints, grease, oil, vehicle cleaning and repair. You should be ultra-careful while doing any cleaning job in cramped spaces. There are many easy ways to remove any stubborn stain from skin than clothes, hence take this advice seriously.

    At Dining Table

    • Always be dressed in casual clothes while dining at home.
    • Have your breakfast on time so that you don’t have to eat and rush, just minutes before your office timing. Most of the staining occurs this time.
    • Use a bib to protect while you are dressed up in quality clothes.

    At Office or Work Desk

    • Never work on computers while your coffee mug is placed on your table. First finish the coffee and then work. Best, if you drink your mug at the pantry. You don’t become a business tycoon in few minutes of multitasking. It takes time and disciplines my friends.
    • Keep your office table uncluttered. Keep ink bottle or any such staining liquid correctly capped in a drawer, if not in use.
    • Don’t eat lunch or junk foods anywhere, find a nice firm table or counter for placing the food. Most of the arise from carrying the food while eating it.
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