MEN’s Skin Care Routine | Natural Skin Care For MEN

skin care tips

That’s true, men live rough, face the dirt and heat, sweat to earn, and toil to manage a good life. In the race of life they forget to treat their skin properly, except a speedy shower to clean and once a while protective cream or rare message of nutritive oil.

Do not men deserve a glowing skin? do men need to follow a skin care routine? Absolutely yes! Men’s skin health is equally vital as women, if ignored for prolonged period it suffers degeneration and it might take mountainous effort to restore it or may be impossible to do so.

Why not have a balance? Supply the skin what it needs regularly, daily and fully.

Your skin exhibits what you eat and how you live. If you eat healthy food plus vitamins and treat it well externally, it glows and grows.

Women love themselves and they show it by caring for their skin with diet and external care and you always like such women; that’s why they can attract you. Likewise women are attracted to men who maintain their skin’s health properly. Healthy skin indicates that you are a well-groomed man.

In fact your business and professional relations also depend upon how groomed you are. A glowing man tells everyone that he is ready to take action, do business and strike new relationships. Isn’t it guys?

Drink Water

Everything is water. Most part of human body is water. So drink plenty of water. It cures almost all problems. You must have seen dry land when it does not get enough water for long time it becomes parched up and then big cracks appear. In the same way insufficient water intake dehydrates skin and regular low supply of it starts to dry the skin cells.

Hot air and heat saps moisture out of our skin so it is recommended to replenish water to our body so that it can run the proper hydration cycle.

Eat Fruits & Vegetables

Cosmetics have taken the reality too far. Men rely more on artificial ways than readily available natural sources of real nutrition. Benefit your skin from nature.

In essence eat fruits that have high water content and antioxidants. Watermelon, cucumber, musk melons will provide you enough water, besides vitamins.

Vitamin C is easily available nutrient found in lemon, oranges, and other citrusy fruits. Lemon is always in abundance and is a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants.

Drink water mixed with lemon juice. Eat oranges in the season.

Eat beans, spinach and all other green vegetables. Carrots, beetroot and tomatoes are best for skin. Recommended- drink their juice and eat raw. Eat olives in salad. They all are rich in antioxidants too.

Yet another powerful source of antioxidant is fish. Eat plenty of locally available fish. Fish will provide your skin with much-needed natural oil and moisture.

  • Overall eat everything within your financial capacity, find alternative for unavailable items.
  • Also eat fresh and seasonal food/fruits. Stale intake will deteriorate your immunity and affect skin as well.

Shower Daily

Daily bathe yourself. Cleanliness is the top priority for good skin. Sweating and dust mix up to clog the pores of skin preventing it from breathing. If required take two three showers a day but stay neat. Use steam once every weak to condition your skin. Take lukewarm shower in winters. Don’t use hot water.

Heat in the water takes away all the moisture from skin leaving it dried. Use mild hot water to bath.


After the shower skin becomes softer and porous. Especially, dead skin at heels of your feet. Remove it with a fine granular object made of clay. Also rub the tool on knuckles grooves around ankle and hands. It will remove the accumulated dirt and deposits.

Eat Olives &  Use Olive oil

Olives contain plenty of antioxidants and other nutrients. Unlike other oils olive oil is light and non-sticky. Take few drops of olive oil and rub on your skin once it is dry after shower. Especially on arms and legs which become extra dry.

Olive oil is rich in nutrients and improves the quality of skin. One can also massage olive oil in head and other body part before a bath; it will protect the skin from harsh chemicals of soap and keep the moisture.


The oldest in the history of skin care is the honey itself. Very common, easily available but least utilized. Honey is both a cleanser and anti-bacterial. It cleans the pores of the skin and rejuvenates the cells. Honey kills germs which develop due to sweating, dirt or any other reason. Honey is soft and rich; it imparts the same quality to the skin by restoring moisture and elasticity to it.

  • The use of honey is just like abc.
  • You need to wash the face with a mild soap. You can also use natural element such as clay.
  • Take small amount of honey in a bowl.
  • You can also add milk if it suits you.
  • Apply honey on your face.
  • Let it sit for 10-20 minutes. Increase time if needed.
  • Wash the face with lukewarm water. Rinse pores thoroughly and let the face dry without wiping it.
  • Use honey regularly. There is no magic in it.

Aloe Vera

Another powerful natural agent for skin cure and natural skin softener is Aloe Vera. It is a tropical plant that is ubiquitous and easily accessible. It is also a key ingredient in many herbal skin care products and dandruff shampoos. Aloe Vera gel can be used for numerous benefits.

  • It comes at no cost. grow Aloe Vera at your home.
  • Apply Aloe on skin for acne problems
  • Regular application of Aloe Vera softens; makes it supple and glowing.
  • It can treat dry and wrinkled skin making it moist, smooth and wrinkle free.
  • Extract gel from the leaves of Aloe Vera and apply it on your face and other areas.
  • The gel is cool and thick. Apply gel on skin and message for 2-3 minutes.
  • Let it stay for few minutes till you feel dry. Rinse the skin gently.
  • Aloe gel kills bacteria, fungal infections.
  • Cool gel lowers the skin temperature curing pimples or acne.
  • Use Aloe Vera in summers especially when you need to take extra care from heat, dust, sweat which block the skin pores.
  • Aloe Vera restores and maintains the softness of the skin.


Many types of clays from different regions have therapeutic use. These clays can be used as face packs. In ancient times clay was used to treat skin problems and as natural cosmetic. Clay works by trapping impurities and cleaning pores.

In India Fuller’s earth or ‘Multani Mitti’ is common clay used by beauticians as a face pack and also by common people to treat their skin. Use clay easily available in your area.

How to use Multani Mitti

  • Take small amount of clay and add some water to make its paste.
  • Remove any hard particles from the paste.
  • Apply the paste on face and let it work for few minutes until it dries up.
  • Once the pack begins to harden on your face wash it gently.

Rose Water

Rose water is again an inexpensive content to use on your skin. Buy original rose water and rub few drops softly on skin. You will smell fresh throughout the day.

Final Points

  • There is no magic in nutrition whether external or internal.
  • User’s discretion is requested.
  • Don’t over use or over eat to gain immediate profits. Your plan may backfire.
  • Be regular in anything you do or eat.
  • Take health as a primary concern. It matters a lot.
  • It is good to earn and spend on health regularly, proportionally and sincerely than to earn for whole life and spend everything on restoring the loss.


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