Cell Phone Etiquette | 14 Mobile Phone Rules

mobile etiquette

While Cell Phones have made the world smaller they have pretty much created bigger problems too. Modern world is at the command of a single touch but the more it simplifies our lives the more concomitant side-effects it brings. However, a smart mobile phone user can avoid those unavoidable circumstances by using few professional witty tips and following the set guidelines.

This article explains how one can use their mobile effectively.

Call Once

Always call the person once – if they miss your call send a message instead, if it’s urgent. Often times the caller bombards the called party with 3-4 calls. Understand that person may be in a shower; maybe driving, some one might be at the church or a mosque. Everyone has their routine and engagements. You need to have some patience and a little bit of thought.

No Calling At Odd Hours

Right in the middle of the night I hear a buzz on my cell phone. I would rather like to miss it or mute the mobile phone. Making calls at odd hours is a bad habit unless it’s an emergency; perhaps your car has broken down at a lonely place and you want to send a mayday. Calling someone between late night to early morning hours should be avoided. Although, there is no problem calling somebody if you really have to.

Don’t Shout Over A Phone Call

Never yell over a cell phone else you will sound like a barbaric person who does not know the etiquette. Similarly don’t talk on speakers, you might seem unsophisticated and disturb others.

Also, do not talk with nearby person loudly while you are over a phone call. Alternatively, ask the person to hold , mute the mobile and speak with the person in your company. Both conversations should not be mixed due to ignorance. However it might happen accidently, then you can apologize for that.

Avoid Mobile When Driving

Using mobile phone while driving causes distraction and might result in a crash. Major studies show that even using handsfree devices to call while driving creates dangerous situations.

Modern cars come equipped with multiple options to connect your mobile phone via Bluetooth, Wi-fi or USB cable. Connect your phone with your car’s communication system and attend your important calls to avoid causing an accident.

Don’t Walk & Talk

It is self-explanatory. While people walk and talk, generally in public , on an escalator or stairs chances are high that a collision will occur, or worst still someone might trip or run into poles. You need to exercise safety on all occasions. Do not take things for granted.

Don’t Expect A Response Always

When calling someone don’t always expect that your call will be answered. It’s just like dropping by a friend’s door, but if you don’t find them you don’t keep pushing the bell unnecessarily. Do you? Send a message instead.

A mother may be attending her baby or a grandpa might be in the toilet or your girlfriend may be taking a shower after a tough day at office. Consider others priorities before taking such actions. Call them after few minutes or leave a message, instead.

Hang Up In The Crowded Area

Talking on a cell phone while you or the other person is in a crowded zone like the market or a public transport could be a risky game. You might meet an accident or could potentially put others at risk. Many troubles come for free, just avoid these scenarios. Do not walk and talk.

Hang Up When

You find out

  • One is dining at a party
  • One is busy in a business meeting
  • One is driving, hiring a taxy or catching a train.

Text Smart

Have you ever received a long 100 word message, sounds funny? Calling someone and telling them would save time than sending a lengthy message. Moreover, use keywords or mnemonics to exchange messages. Write brief witty lines that convey the message precisely and be understood.

Texting is an art in itself. It is as good as writing any other text. Learn from the online e-commerce companies, bank alerts, how they precisely arrange text.

Always Check Twice

Once the arrow is shot there is no turning back; once the word is out it cannot be retracted, so keep in mind any typo or intentional wrong message could spoil your image or break you ties with someone. Therefore, take it as a duty to check the message twice before pressing the ‘Send’ button.

Most messages contain syntax error or grammatical error which might convey altogether different meaning than you intended.

In Company Of Others

Another annoying habit is to engage on phone calls while you are in a company of someone. What if they did the same to you? No doubt it will fume you. So place the person next to you before the flying calls on your mobile phone.

Although if it is necessary to receive the call leave the personal zone and seclude yourself. Others are not interested in your personal affairs.

Turn Cell Phone Off

Many people take this request as an order to switch their mobile phones off and turn rude. If you are at an interview or at hospital or on a plane turning your phone is mandatory and you should comply with the instructions. No one is depriving you of your rights by requesting so; be polite and gentle with others.

Don’t Share Confidential Data

While conversing on a cell phone never share your own or others private information, especially private affairs, bank details or secrets. It saves both your reputation and assets. Reckless mistakes can lead to irreparable lose.

Bar Yourself From Cell Phone

You should learn the ethics of phone calls. Never use phones at a funeral, a hospital; on private or public transport; on the escalators, elevators. Also avoid talking and eating.

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