5 Best Quiff Hairstyles For Modern Men

quiff haircut

It’s a confluence of locks converging from all directions, lending a delightful look to your face and overall marked appearance.

Nothing can be equivalent to Quiff. It owns a passing resemblance to pompadour, but a front high peak and back-to-front combing sets distinctive nature of quiff hairstyle.

There aren’t many hairstyles that can shape all faces as does the quiff; moreover, there are numerous tweaks and arrangements to offer an array of looks from cool guy to a sophisticated gentleman.

However, choosing quiff hairstyle is subject to hair type, texture, density and much on face shape. Every cut will project a unique personality, if you know which one to choose.

Quiff vs Pompadour, Which One?

Surely there is an overlap between pompadour and quiff hairstyle, but if analyzed closely, both haircuts have their own distinctive identity. Pompadour places greater emphasis on volume and density, whereas quiff can be styled with fairly shorter hair everywhere except on top.

Pompadour is when you draw all hair backward to a certain point causing a bulk on top, a way to flaunt a flamboyant look. On the other hand quiff gives freedom to have less volume and different length of hair, especially above the temple and backside of the head.

Why Quiff

It may sound dumb at first, but asking yourself why you should get quiff hairstyle can signify its importance. For instance, buzz or slick back or side-part can become unexciting over time and you may not want to receive it again.

If you love some volume of hair, and are passionate about experimenting different approaches Quiff has plenty of hair style moves. Once you receive the most flattering cut from an expert hair stylist, it calls for only few fine adjustments, especially on sides – changing partition and playing with the length.

It also allows latitude to choose new face look every few weeks. By experimenting different variations men are in better position to have their signature coiffure or a set of it.

How To Accent Quiff Hair?

Thanks to versatile quiff. It can combine several other haircuts and scissor techniques that let you have any desired alteration. To achieve high performance from any cut some popular styles like low-fade, high-fade, undercut and taper can be used effectively in conjunction with quiff hairstyle.

Your face type can also accentuate the way look in a hairstyle. Combined with barber techniques it can be a great tool to have compelling looks. Any variation adopted will significantly work in tandem with the shape of your face.

Take oval and heart shapes, which benefit most from this haircut. With sides pushed in place top length plays important part in attaining what one is after. Rectangle and oblong face-shapes should opt for shorter versions to offset any natural constraint.

Short Hair Quiff

Well-organized men prefer an immaculate hair style, and why not? They have something more important on their mind but that does not mean they can’t have quiff hairstyle.

Its short version is precise, sharply defined and acceptable in nearly every situation.

Short quiff is a regular guy look, which can be worn from wedding to business meeting to an evening dinner.

Yes, hair is short, least bulky and super easy to set. Use scanty amount of wax and rub gently into scalp while the hair is still damp from the shower. Use clean comb to side part and drive locks in the opposite direction, sweeping sides backward at the same time.

Oval shaped faces can encash the most of it while other face shapes need to play around with the ratio.

Disconnected Quiff Hairstyle

This quiff hairstyle brings out a new variant with trimmed hair on sides and contrastingly long hair at the top. A departure from what you would normally see in conventional quiff. More of an avant-garde style. Something that says a lot about your taste and personal style.

With cropped hair on side all you get is to arrange long hair. This look works in the casual setting so don’t care about wearing it in a laidback manner. Just give few light flicks to ensure you get a new look altogether.

Classic Quiff

For a freshman classic quiff is a terrific choice to start the course, its handy, trendy and more natural way of arranging hair, but more laidback, suiting casual settings. The hairstyle features ruffled hair in a more presentable manner.

With less emphasis on combing, it might also give the impression that you dressed up at the last moment and forgot to do bangs, which alternatively means there is no visible parting line, quick light manoeuvres with your fingers will place locks in right position.

Sexy enough to be worn with a suit and fun enough to pair with denim and Tee, this relaxed hair technique could bring out the bold and innovative side of you. Men with formal garments on can inject a contrasting air by implementing this particular quiff.

No matter which quiff hairstyle you adopt, final result should always complement your face. Men with broad foreheads and tapering jawlines can make it happen as perfectly as they wish. Long face shapes will throw the proportions off and should opt for less voluminous quiff styles.

Always remember to keep sides’ short, and long hair on front and top. Push tufts up away from the forehead by using light strokes. It’s a low-maintenance coiffure but intended to be sported in a tidy way.

Modern Front Quiff

In the fast changing hair trends, something that has survived the test of time is the modern quiff. It holds the true DNA of quiff hairstyle. Short hair of equal length all around leaving the top area to the barber to handle. Its a la mode way of doing hair in the mens grooming department.

Suiting teenagers to young blokes and even middle-aged men, this hair technique calls for medium length hair. Neither too long nor too short. Sides and back are cut short. Front locks are brushed up gently, while back hair is combed to the front, all converging to give a modern time feel to your personality.

Taper Fade With Quiff

It’s a perfect tie-up between two very different hairstyling moves, side part quiff and high fade. But first, for the unacquainted fade is a kind of technique used in collaboration with major haircut to blend shorter hair into longer top hair. It showcases short to medium length on top and sides with tapered hair to the end.

A tidy look suitable for professionals who seal the deal in one shot and have no spare time to look back. A minimal version of this quiff is attainable with short length and gradually tappering hair on the sides. Once set, it stays in place for hours; An excellent choice for almost all face types; suiting almost all occasions it is an effortlessly cool way to wear modern trends.

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