10 Powerful Style Tips For Men

navy suit with white shirt

Fashion track is rife with flaws and faults. Its hard to get to the destined outfit without running into one or two. But with our expert styling tips at hand, there won’t be any more struggling in executing a perfect impression over and over again.

All you need is to follow our style advice diligently like a monk and take well-informed decisions at every step of your style journey.

Shine Shoes

If you shake the foundation of a tall structure, it will crumble. Likewise, shoes make the base of an outfit, any defect or blemish in shoes could tarnish your reputation. And you know it takes longer to make for such a loss.

However, take a word of advice. Always shine thy shoes before taking on any clothing item of the intended outfit. Ensure that your foundation is ready before creating a desired look. Remove dirt with a clean cloth and apply at least two rounds of polish on the shoes until it begins to reflect your image.

Espadrilles Over Sandals

Overlooking mistakes can be expensive for your image. Take sandals, which are open footwear with straps to fasten them. Since they carry the genes of flip-flops too, it’s impossible not to look sloppy in them. In general, most men would simply slip into sandals for the sake of ease and comfort, but that also downgrades your status. Keep sandals for grocery shopping and mowing the lawn.

Upgrade to loafers or espadrilles to highlight your sartorial acumen, even while strolling in the park. These shoes have a definite shape that harmonizes with any casual outfit and elevates status. Whether it is hoodie and drawstring trousers or just a shirt-chino combo.

Go Weather Appropriate

A wardrobe full of clothing pieces does not mean you will have plenty of choices to wear, unless you are buying prudently. For example, if you live in a hot environment, buy pieces that are light and comfortable. Probably the office settings would also call for linen or cotton suits.

Moreover, if you have short and mild winter season, so you will not need those giant overcoats, tweed sport coat or heavy puffer jackets. Rather, invest in key winter pieces that you can wear during a specific period of year.

Having a right ratio of summer to winter items, or vice versa, will make your collection more useful and it will increase the effectiveness of coordinates.

Try New Colours

Most men continue with the same colour set throughout their life. But in reality, if you experiment with new colours, the possibilities are endless. For instance, try a green suit at office or pink shirt as a substitute for white. Changing colours will give you insight about how you can refresh a colourless wardrobe.

Also give a little shake up to your shoe department. If you prefer black dress shoes, introducing a pair of brown shoes could spark a whole new game.

Accessories should not be overshadowed by staple clothing items. They deserve a careful look too. Look out for the most vivid and invigorating colours that enhance the aesthetic of the outfit and also blend with the ensemble.

Try new shades of scarfs. Bring mellow seasonal hues in pocket squares and neckties, but avoid gaudy shades.

Accessorize Wisely

Accessories are like embellishments and to the outfit; their addition has many sides. Fundamentally they add value to an outfit and amplify the whole look.

A watch for example can lend a dash of personality to an outfit, while a necktie can complete a business attire satisfactorily. Although necktie directly affects the outfit, and has more impact on looks than a watch, which is precisely a functional accessory with a purpose to tell time.

So, when you intend to wear a suit, necktie becomes essential. Adding a watch, however, will improve details and a touch of sophistication to the dresser.

Furthermore, a necktie has no role in a leather jacket and boot combination, but a watch will still be a complementary accessory.

Likewise, a scarf becomes a principal accessory with sweaters, coats and jackets. It adds warmth, texture and smartness.

Consider the role and purpose of an accessory beforehand, also leave out when not needed.


The most versatile quality of a garment is how consistent it looks when juxtaposed with a wide range of wardrobe. When a shirt is interchangeable it can be worn with many different pants, ties or blazers- a white shirt.

The same can be said for a pair of trousers or a coat. Interchangeability factors in colour, style, fit and other elements. Based on the above fact a navy suit is more interchangeable than black suit, for it can also work as separates- when broken into its components.

Similarly, shoes such as- loafers, derby or Chelsea come across as more interchangeable than other pairs, because of their high adaptability than the competition.

Colour Coordination

Everyone can mix black and white for it is an internationally acclaimed pairing. So is blue and grey, and the same with beige and brown. But if you stick to only these widely known colour combinations, probably you are missing out on a great deal of pleasure that might come with novel combinations.

The interplay between colours is only manifest when we combine them with each other. The clever approach to identify right combination is to try them on and check in the mirror. If your face blossoms in a particular combo it is appropriate for you, else discard it.

And the best place to know what works for you is the shopping store where you can try on several outfit combinations.


With the name alone, it is easy to interpret where does separates point to. To clarify, it is an integration of two or more independent clothing items that form a cohesive combination. A grey suit jacket with navy pants is an instance of this creative dress code.

While fixed pairing offers little or no leeway, separates provide maximum freedom for the fashion savvy.

Some iconic elements of this multidimensional dressing style are- a suit that can be broken down into its individual elements. Navy, blue, grey and green are some phenomenal examples of it. They are effortlessly adaptable and work smoothly with other coordinates.

A double-breasted jacket is also a prime number when it comes to dressing in separates. Mix it with jeans and patterned shirt and you are armed with a well-organized outfit for casual parties.

Other blazers which don’t come with matching pants are third perfect option as separates. They will play up any odd trousers.

Immaculate Beard

A beard can elevate a man’s masculinity and status, if cared for. If left unchecked, it can wreck your image at first glance.

If you have love for beard, there are few fundamentals to implement. Keep the beard clean and lightly scented to feel confident and keep surrounding people happy. Trim it regularly to maintain a perfect shape.

Pressed Clothes

A normal man in a crumpled shirt may come off as an uncultivated and ungroomed fellow, while a vagabond dressed in pressed clothes could outperform the competition. This is the power of wearing smooth clothes.

While it might take only five minutes to press an article of clothing, the effort can propel your image from ground to summit. It is also an important aspect of wardrobe management.

Pressed pieces shape outlines of your body and look more consistent. In addition to that, ironing also extends the life of a garment by keeping the fibre strong.

Always press coordinates before wearing them or take them to the nearby launderer to get done.

10 Staple Clothing Pieces For Every Stylish Man in 2024
staple clothing pieces for men

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