Women Notice These Things About Men

what is sexy

Most men think their built, clothing, car, social status; even their sunglasses or fancy bike or signature scent would steer a woman’s eyes towards you. Do these physical or virtual assets really matter to women?

  • Well, some of the factors really matter to them, but not all.
  • Next what is the order or ranking of these factors that really matter to a woman when she is checking you out?
  • Different women may have different sets of factors thrilling them about men.
  • However, some features will always remain common amongst women.

So men, to your surprise you will surely know how seriously and meticulously a woman observes you once she spots you on her radar.

Your Face

No matter how big, skilled, rich, handsome or how sharply you dress women are going to notice your face first.

Just like a man going to buy a car first sees its outer beauty especially front, naturally. We can’t avoid this, right? Likewise women first look at your face when they are analyzing a potential mate.

Why not gents? This is what you first notice in a woman. Don’t you?

Your face must be clean come what may- clean shaven- beard trimmed. Our face showcases our confidence, a glow that is a sign of good health. Along with that a woman will notice any imperfections on your face- how clean and fresh you look.

Next she may notice how immaculately your hair is done. Shiny clean hair is a perfect sign that you care about yourself and that’s a woman is seeking in you.

For that you need to cleanse your face, take a shower.

The more you come closer the more visible your details are!!

Next she will scan your silhouette for cloths, shoes and physical build.


What a woman notices about a man’s shoes?

She will mainly notice three things shine, matching and quality of your shoes.


Whether they are polished including sole; If not so, then your half impression is already gone mister! This is the power of a pair of polished shoes.


After that she will test your taste of shoes- If you are wearing matching shoes with the attire. Because women have a keen sense of matching their dress, shoes and accessory together so naturally they will hunt for the same.


She will also notice the quality of your shoes. Don’t worry! She will not take them for a lab test or something. Women are genetically programmed for quality check and performance.

So as a conclusion a man should own even better quality shoes than his cloths.

Never wear worn shoes as few hundred rupees or dollars will lose you a potentially high quality woman.


Women keenly notice the colour and pattern of your shirt, trousers and whatever you are wearing. How all the pieces coordinate with each other.

Colour Choice

Women are attracted to a man who knows how to match colours. It shows them his acumen. Attractive colour combination of your attire shows that you understand the colour science.


Next a woman scans on your body is, fit. How well-fitted outfit you have put on. Whether the shirt is hanging loosely or tucked badly- if your pants fit you properly.

Always put on your best clothing.

Overall Body Built

Women are also drawn to a fit a man. Here being muscular and hunky is not the requirement but fit means overall body is in shape. No belly, erect shoulders, nicely shaped butt and proportional body.

Some women find soft body-built with a layer of fat but that does not mean you shouldn’t work out. Taller men especially need more flesh to look balanced.

Men with wider shoulders look more appealing. Some men naturally have tapered shoulders and need no extra effort.



This is the way how you move, stand and conduct yourself. Your deportment says a lot about you, especially when your counterpart is inspecting your stance carefully.

If you are lounging in a standing position or reclining when seated it’s a terrible sign that something is wrong with your spine. A backrest in a sofa or chair is not always to sprawl clumsily.

Don’t spoil your game and effort of dressing up yourself by slouching or lazing.

Women love upright masculine backbone and shoulders drawn back and chest pushed forward even if you are a slim guy.


The detailing should be clear and the dial face white or dark blue will be the best. Too much stuff on dial face will make it cluttered and unable to stand out.

A minimalist watch can do the job.


How you treat others when you have status and authority. Even speaking politely to a waiter at a party when he serves you something is a sign that you respect others despite their occupation or position. It showcases your understanding of the society and basic protocols.

When a man offers his seat to a woman or elderly he becomes a gentleman. He tells people that “I consider you and value your presence”.

And women are going to fall for such a man. Why? Because this is how he will treat her and her close ones.

Social Demeanour

Women are interested in a sociable man who likes to mix with people, spend time with relatives and friends. A recluse will be discarded at first notice!!

Often a snob might have a great opinion of himself but in reality he is a loser. Even men would ignore such a man, let alone women.

A gregarious man draws attention and sends a positive signal of his healthy mentality; also this man comes off as generous and kind for nobody can pretend to be so for a long time.

A Signature Scent

Although very important but here I put signature fragrance in the end. Surely a good fragrance can disguise your flaws but as a matter of fact if you, as a man, are missing all vital qualities even an expensive scent can backfire.

This may happen since a fragrance is a volatile factor. It becomes a part of your personality when your character is sublime as the scent character you wear, else no good human being will merit your clothing and shoes.

So I recommend while hunting for a signature scent a man should first infuse himself with signature attitude !!


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