How To Wear A Double Breasted Suit

double breasted suit

A double breasted suit symbolizes a more classic and formal design of a suit jacket. It is characterized by peaked lapels and more structured construction than a single breasted jacket. Most men habitual of wearing single jacket would find it hard to accept the typical design. But it is a not a regular suit design, one should keep a double breasted suit for rare occasions to flash a chic style.

What Is A Double Breasted Suit Jacket ?

A suit jacket is a highly versatile and sophisticated garment for men. Since variety is the spice of clothing but it is hard to change a more adaptable wardrobe staple completely. A double breasted jacket adds visual interest and scales the formality of the outfit, besides men always have an option to switch from dressy to dressier suit jacket when required.

  • Today’s double breasted suit blazer is less structured to function as business casual clothing piece.

Single Breasted Jacket vs Double 

elegant double breasted suit

Double breasted suit fit is significant when it comes to styling it.

  • Cut of the jacket should not be boxy but streamlined to flatter the silhouette. Shoulders should be smooth and wide.
  • Length of the jacket. Pay close attention to length of the jacket should end right around the butt.
  • Pay close attention to button stance. Button stance of double breasted suit jacket for fat or large should be lower than that of an average guy.

Double breasted suit is not for wearing with everyday attire. If you are keen on mastering double breasted outfits learning to mix it with rest of the wardrobe is extremely important.  Next key factor to consider is to always wear a double breasted suit buttoned up.

Since the wide overlapping front gives the jacket a boxy fit, wearing it unbuttoned can completely ruin the look. Even if you are wearing it with casual pieces like a plain white crewneck you should button up the jacket.

Button Stance

While single breasted jacket has one, two or three buttons, all vertically aligned in the center starting from just below the lapel a double breasted suit may have 2, 3 or rarely 4 set of buttons on each side, not all of them are functional.

Number System

There is a numbering scheme to quickly identify the total buttons on the jacket vs buttons to be done. For instance a four-on-one jacket has total four buttons, one of which is to be fastened.

Most popular configuration is a six buttoned jacket, three on each panel. each set (of 3 ) is vertically aligned, similarly 4 and 8 buttons configurations feature two and four rows of vertically aligned buttons.

Patterned Double Breasted Suits

pinstripe suit for man

Choose striped pattern for work. Wear grey, black or blue stripes for an elegant formal look. Stripes create a sleeker look while adding business touch to your personality. Wear plain shirts to keep the formality of the suit. Don’t wear clashing striped ties with striped suit jacket. Wear muted self-design or tiny dotted pattern ties.

A turtleneck adds spice to your attire while making you look less casual. Choose contrasting colours, beige, tan, navy for turtleneck and navy, black or grey for double breasted jacket respectively. 

You can wear a wool plaid in winters. A textured woolen double breasted is the best way to appear fashionable in winter. Pick golden, beige, grey-white colour jacket.

A charcoal grey or gunmetal grey colour double breasted blazer over a white button down on top and medium blue denim will define your casual look with a tinge of formality. Wear suede dark brown or dark grey derby shoes.

Double Breasted Suit At Interviews

It may sound interesting at first but mind it, employers are looking for a well-dressed professional . You will clearly appear overdressed at such occasion. Always confirm the dress code. Even a single-breasted suit jacket might not be appropriate at interviews if others are only wearing shirt and tie. Research about the routine dress style of the workplace.

Double Breasted At Work Place

Occasionally if you want to amaze people at work place put on a double breasted suit. Execute it perfectly. Choose a dark grey jacket, a glittering white shirt with large pointed collar with wide gap to fit a fat tie knot.

Here Collar type and style would be decisive. Anything narrow or small would draw the attention and fail the outfit.

Alternatively for a business meeting with a client pick a beige colour double breasted suit and burgundy tie on a white or light blue shirt.

Wedding and Night Parties

Looks like a double breasted jacket is made for such events. A less formal dark colour and pattern will harmonize at these events. A double breasted blazer will look quintessential with a pair of wingtip to counterbalance the effect of jacket.

How To Wear Double Breasted Suit Casually

checked casual double breasted suit

For your freedom of choice you can pair anything with the double breasted suit but if you want to look a treat just wear it over your button-downs oxford shirt or a plain white crewneck. T-shirts are absolute casual wear while double breasted suit is an extremely formal article. Mixing these two contrasting elements is like a cocktail outfit containing different tastes. Wear loafers or monk strap to finish the look.

Boutonniere On Double Breasted Suit Jacket

Leave no fashion element to up your style. After all you deserve to look the best in the gathering. Consider every opportunity to renew your style. Install a boutonniere in the buttonhole to flash an elegant fashion. You can exploit this option as many men would not consider to go further in amplifying their look.

Buying Considerations

Don’t pain yourself to buy a double breasted suit jacket if it is your first suit. If you already own three-four single-breasted suits and desire to wear an outstanding design consider the parameters like your height, shoulders, colour of the fabric, fabric type.

You may as well like to have a double breasted casual blazer if you want to wear it with odd trousers. This idea is safe for your first jacket. You can experiment the look and try different outfits on you.

Besides, it sounds an inexpensive deal since you are only investing in a jacket, moreover you can test the design on your frame and how it blends in your wardrobe. If you like the double breasted construction go ahead with popular patterns and colours.


I am a casual guy but I want to sport a double breasted jacket.

Ans. No problem, but if you are going to choose white, peach or green for a casual look then it cannot play a formal game, your jacket will be reserved for casual fashion only. Go for a fitting jacket, Get customized lapel width and button stance to represent your style statement. Choose a pocket square, a metal watch and casual loafers.

How can I pull off a double breasted with Chinos?

Ans. Get a plaid textured cream, off-white or plain light blue or light grey double breasted blazer. Pair khaki or navy chinos with cuffs folded inwards. Top off the outfit with casual brown loafers.

How about wearing sweater or layers?

Ans. A double breasted jacket features a bulky front, if you are wearing a sweater you are going to stuff it with more volume. It will surely ruin your look. If you wish to look snazzier wear a thermal undershirt inside your shirt.

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