Style Misconceptions | Stop Doing This | StyleShark

men's style misconceptions

Man is always short of knowledge. Around the world all men endeavour to parade style in their own way, some learn by observing others, thousands just copy famous figures (It seems easy though, is not it?), few invent, and only handfuls teach others. Do I really know about style? Am I rowing the boat in the wrong direction? Here and there we all need a little or big correction in our basic knowledge of style.

I Know Everything About Styles

Perhaps, the biggest misguidance comes from within us. It may be a good feeling momentarily but not a great idea to live in the misapprehension that ‘I know all about style. My dress sense is pretty imposing and that my demeanour is amiable, the way I stand and move makes waves, probably my sphere is too small. This is too much of vanity; although, slight degree of it may be ignored.’

We live in a world where most men themselves don’t have an insight of styling; they will fail to explain what really makes a man stylish. But those in the know will immediately pick your flaws but won’t tell you unless you go to them for consultation or have an encounter with one of them.

Don’t feel insulted asking people how you look in particular attire. Start asking people you know and those who like you and motivate you. Also invite some positive criticism, that builds your confidence, makes you introspect yourself.

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I Wear Luxury Clothing

You may think- since you are wearing Savile row or Tom ford and you are the most stylish man on the street now!! Truly a great suit improves your appearance, powers your style but that is not all. Style is not a costly affair gentlemen, it can be inexpensive as well.

You may be wearing a meticulously tailored suit but you might run into someone wearing just a shirt and trousers; and that someone could be carrying his moderate attire so perfectly than you. Luxury counts for a short span of time. In the long run your impression comes from how you always carry yourself in any outfit, costly or ordinary.

I have no job, I am divorced ,who should I dress up for.

Having been laid off by the employer or not having a girl in your life, jilted by a woman can be so frustrating that you may start living like monks. You wear clothes that lack spice. Your shirt and trousers look discordant. You don’t care about your shoes; because they are only shoes!!

The question is do you ever want everything back in your life? The woman? The job? The pleasure? Think the other way around, is it that you have no job or woman, therefore you do not dress sharp or is it in fact you dress poorly that you are rejected at a job or by a woman.

A straightforward advice is- always wear snazzier cloths most of the time. Dressing smart has no link with any of those unwelcoming situations. Of course, you never know when the fortune turns back. Besides, if you constantly live rough life you will start losing other assets as well, confidence, respect, good friends.

I Always Wear For Women

That is immature to wear only for an opposite gender. Even a teenager would not do that. You may be doing so after ignorance, but mind it you will never feel as confident as you could have, since your intention is altogether dependent upon others. First wear for yourself, make sure to dress in a complete way. Your colour choice, fit, coordination, everything must harmonize. Once you feel confident inside others will take notice and they will appreciate. So the point of clothing smart is to satisfy oneself; not pleasing others.

Hair Don’t Matter

That’s why you wear any hairstyle; even you get a bad haircut or messy hair.

  • Know your face type.
  • Get a pleasant hairdo according to your face shape.
  • Change hair style if feel bored with the look but choose a flattering one.
  • Also care about your facial hair. Shave clean if you have a grubby beard. If you want to keep beard,  grow anew and maintain against your face shape.

I Daily Shower- I Don’t Need A Scent

If that was the case why would kings and queens wear fragrance? Those living luxuriously would not use scent. Showering once a day is a minimum requirement, twice even, thrice just in case. Washing body is a primary act to clean it but fragrance is a next level and no doubt you need to bathe first to perfume yourself.

Fragrance is not about drawing attention but feel confident of the scent you are wearing. A pleasant scent communicates your personality to others. Of course you look clean and fresh after a shower but a shower evaporates within minutes leaving you vulnerable to bad smell, but then a fragrance takes on with an assurance of a notable performance. With a seductive fragrance on you always leave trails of a most-wanted man.

There is no other way of discharging your power than to do it through a perfume.

Not Learning About Style

“I am hot on new trends and wear everything I see on television. I don’t care what fit, colour or pattern looks good on me. I wear denims that are too baggy for me. I put on any frame in shades since I am the coolest guy on the planet.”

Gentlemen ignorance, vanity, deficit of knowledge, all are killer factors for your personality. Rid of them before and start from your body type, profession, frame size, face shape, height, and complexion. Learn how aforementioned factors control your style. Observe fashion icons how they style clothing. You need not agree with them fully but add what will complement you, discard what is unsuitable and prepare your personal style.

I am young, Everything I wear Looks Great on me.

Truly we have the best body fitness in our youth. It develops faster in the teenage and early twenties but style is a complete package for life and it naturally comes to you as you grow. Broad chest, chiseled biceps or tapering shoulders is not the basic need to be stylish, but it is true that if you can have a fit body, you should.

A boy of sixteen can wear a suit and showcase fashion but he is too young to exude that confidence of a mature man. His body language will vary and his soft facial features will lack that dominating bearing of an experience man.

As man grows he learns social etiquette, business ethic and improves his dressing to fit the code of dressing in different context. That’s a slow process, one can not hone this finesse in his green age.

I Must Follow Current Fashion

You are anxious to keep up with the latest vogue and this is where you make the biggest mistake. Don’t be hasty to adopt anything that is in. Always mind the need, suitability and interchangeability of any article you buy. For example, ripped denim is in the latest fad but you are a business professional and meet people with the same cadre day and night. Perhaps you can’t go hyper-casual in style, then a decent dark colour jeans is a suitable item for your wardrobe for you can always dress it up with formal shirts and blazers.

I am over 40 I Need not to be stylish

Change is always acceptable in fashion but there should not be hard and fast ruling according to age. The problem comes on the casual side when you still desire to sport denim, shorts, and boots or may want to wear colours and patterns. There is indeed a best way to do this with a sense of age.

  • Wear denim with dark colour and light wash. Avoid distressed items.
  • Wear a black or navy collared denim jacket to keep it formal.
  • Polo is a universal choice for dressing up with denim clothing.
  • Wear chino shorts with striped or plain white, blue shirt.
  • Choose Penny or Horsebit loafers against Sneakers, Tassel loafers or Kilties.
  • Wear chukka boots in lieu of fully lace-up boots.
  • Alternatively choose for dressier hairstyles and beard shapes than those bold fancy styles.

I am married with three kids. Why do I need style now?

Don’t make it too complicated for you to stay stylish. You are already ageing; loosing that younger skin, glow and strong physique. If you were following fashion just to impress a woman to marry, you got it wrong. And why kids should be a reason to discard fashion?

A man should always wear for himself first. If you always wore for others in past you were being somebody else and that is not a real style. Dress sharp to keep the charm and inspire your wife and kids; you will always receive compliments from people and stay confident.

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